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Safety Guidelines for Volunteering In-person

For Volunteers

The safety of our agency partners, volunteers, and everyone involved in our projects is our first priority. If any of the below applies to you, please DO NOT SIGN UP to volunteer in-person.

  1. You are sick or display symptoms of COVID-19.
  2. You have traveled within the past 14 days or come in to contact with someone who has tested positive. 
  3. You have pre-existing conditions such as chronic lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer or a weakened immune system.

Please note: The CDC advises adults over age 65 take extra precautions as they are at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19.

While volunteering in-person, all volunteers must adhere to the below requirements. Our Volunteer Leaders will provide a safety orientation at the beginning of each project. Please review our NEW, REQUIRED Volunteer Participation Agreement before signing up for in-person opportunities. 

  1. Wear a face covering. People who do not show symptoms may still be able to spread COVID-19. Face coverings include anything that covers your nose and mouth, including dust masks, scarves and bandanas. Please provide your own face covering, supplies at our projects are limited.
  2. Wash your hands often, including at the start and end of your volunteer opportunity. Use soap and water, scrub for at least 20 seconds.
  3. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when sneezing or coughing.
  4. Don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. Do not shake hands.
  5. Don't gather in large groups; and when possible, maintain at least a six foot distance between you and others. 

For Nonprofits

To better protect the health and safety of volunteers, clients, and communities, HandsOn San Diego advises organizations to review and consider the following safety protocols around volunteer engagement.

  1. Consider the activities you will ask volunteers to perform to limit their exposure to others. Consider virtual volunteer opportunities and new approaches that involve less contact.
  2. Consider maximum volunteer capacity for volunteers to safely carry out planned activities.
  3. Have accessible hand washing stations and/or hand sanitizer easily accessible. 
  4. Instruct volunteers to wash their hands upon entering your building. Please reference these hand hygiene and other preventative measures.
  5. Provide PPE to all volunteers (gloves, masks and when necessary, eye protection). 
  6. Have every volunteer sign a waiver with COVID-19 specific language and restrictions. 
  7. Ensure that bathrooms and shared spaces are cleaned and disinfected following the County of San Diego's Disinfection Guidance.
  8. Limit convening in populated areas, such as, waiting rooms, lobbies, etc. Utilize floor directions for spacing if necessary.
  9. Minimize contact with staff and clients to the extent possible. Set up workstations and areas with distancing in mind.
  10. Follow all directives and recommendations pertaining to COVID-19 issued by the California Department of Public Health and any additional city guidelines.

Common Messages