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Opportunity Details

VIRTUAL: Patient Advocacy Card Writing

Residents in Skilled Nursing Facilities have been particularly affected by COVID-19. With all facilities currently prohibiting any visitation with the exception of end of life, many of the residents have found themselves even more lonely and isolated than before.

Jewish Family Service of San Diego's hope is to provide a warm hello with a hand written or hand decorated card to remind them they are not forgotten and we are all thinking about them every day. Their goal is to deliver 1,700 cards.

Project Requirements & Important Notes

About Jewish Family Service of San Diego

Jewish Family Service (JFS) is a client-centered, impact-driven organization working to build a stronger, healthier, more resilient San Diego.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Health & Wellness, Disaster & Emergency Services
People with Health-based Concerns
Disaster Services,Family Friendly

Age Minimum (with Adult): 5+, Minimum Age:13+

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